Dr. Rebecca Giselbrecht

Member of scientific staff

Institut of Old Catholic Theology

Postal Address
Universität Bern
Institut für Christkatholische Theologie
Längassstrasse 51
CH-3012 Bern
Consultation Hour
on appointment
Seit 2017 Habilitation in Church History, University of Bern, Department of Old Catholic Theology
Habilitation in Practical Theology,  University of Zurich, Department of Practical Theology, Switzerland
Master of Divinity, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA
Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies,Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA
2005-2008 Master of Global Leadership, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA
2005-2006 Master Certificate, Social Environment Oriented Youth Work, FHS, Rorschach, Switzerland
2001-2005 Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies, Moody Institute, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Research Projects

  • Habilitation on and Edition of the Prayer Book, Confession of Faith and Correspondence of Anna Alexandria zu Rappoltstein
  • Self-Identity, God, and Others – The Order of the Great Commandment    
  • Spiritual Formation, Character and Virtue Development in the Third and Fourth Age



  • Evangelische Spiritualität und Bildung, in: Handbuch Evangelische Spiritualität, ed. Peter Zimmerling, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.
  • Cliché or Piety: Heinrich Bullinger and Women in Alsace, in: From Zwingli to Amyraut. Exploring the Growth of European Reformed Traditions, eds. Jon Balserak and Jim West, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.
  • Women from Then to Now: A Commitment to Mutuality and Literacy, in The Protestant Reformation and World Christianity. Global Perspectives, ed. Dale T. Ervin, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.
  • Die First Lady der Zürcher Reformation. Doppelpunkt - Das evangelische Wochenmagazin, vol. 2017, no. 7, 2017, pp. 10-11.
  • Die Reformation ist weiblich. Doppelpunkt - Das evangelische Wochenmagazin, vol. 2017, no. 1, 2017, pp. 10-11.
  • Divine Action, Others, and Interfaith Dialogue. Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 16, 2A (2016): 74–93.
  • Evangelism and Spirituality: Our Words and Life with God, in: Sharing Good News: Handbook on Evangelism in Europe, eds. Gerrit Noort, Kyriaki Avtzi and Stefan Paas, World Council of Churches, 2016.
  • A Historical Decoupage Arguing for the Particularity of Theology and Christian Spirituality in Higher Education in: CEĻŠ, Latvijas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātesteoloģisks, reliģijpētniecisks un kultūrvēsturisksizdevums 65 (2016).
  • Hör nicht auf zu singen Zeuginnen der Schweizer Reformation, ed. Rebecca Giselbrecht and Sabine Scheuter, Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 2016.
  • Review of Ethnographic Theology: An Inquiry into the Production of Theological Knowledge. Natalie Wigg-Stevenson. Ecclesial Practices 3-2 (2016): 251-253.
  • Briefe von Januar bis Mai 1546. Heinrich Bullinger. Ed. Reinhard Bodenmann, Alexandra Kess, and Judith Steiniger. Heinrich Bulliger Werke: Zweite Abteilung Briefwechsel 16. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2014. In Renaissance Quarterly 69(1):336-338 · March 2016. DOI: 10.1086/686410 Renaissance Quarterly.
  • Sacrality and Materiality: Locating Intersections, ed. Rebecca Giselbrecht and Ralph Kunz, Göttingen; Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2015.
  • Review of I-8 Ordinis primi tomus octavus: Iulius Exclusus, De civilitate morum puerilium, Conflictus Thaliae et Barbariei. Edited by Ed.Silvana Seidel Menchi, Franz Bierlaire, and René Hoven. The Sixteenth Century Journal XLVI (2015).
  • Review of Erasmus of Rotterdam: Advocate of a New Christianity. Christine Christ-von Wedel. Zwingliana 42 (2015).
  • Religious Intent and the Art of Courteous Pleasantry: A Few Letters from Englishwomen to Heinrich Bullinger, in: Women During the English Reformations: Renegotiating Gender and Religious Identity, ed. Julie A. Chappell and Kaley A. Kramer, New York: Palgrave, 2014.
  • Reforming a Model: Zwingli, Bullinger, and the Virgin Mary in Sixteenth-century Zurich, in: Following Zwingli: Applying the Past in Reformation Zurich, ed. Luca Baschera, Bruce Gordon and Christian Moser, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014 (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History).
  • Review of Reaktionen auf das Augsburger Interim: Der Interimistische Streit (1548-1549). (Controversia et Confessio Volume 1). Edited by Irene Dingel. The Sixteenth Century Journal, XLV/2 (2014).
  • Review of Calvin and His Influence, 1509-2009. Edited by Irena Backus and Philip Benedict. Zwingliana 40 (2013): 238-243.
  • Review of The Stranger's Voice: Julia Kristeva's Relevance for a Pastoral Theology for Women Struggling with Depression. The Journal of Pastoral Theology 22-2 (2013): 102-106 (with Isabelle Noth).
  • Beza over polygamie, in Théodore de Bèze: Zijn Leven, Zijn Werk. Kampen: Uitgeverij Kok, 2012, 223-225.
  • Review of Early French Reform: The Theology and Spirituality of Guillaume Farel. Jason Zuidema and Theodore Van Raalte. Zwingliana 39 (2012): 179-180.
  • Myths and Reality about Heinrich Bullinger's Wife Anna, in Zwingliana 38 (2011): 53-66.
  • Zwingli und Bullinger: Väter des reformierten 'Wybsbilds', in Kirche, Theologie und Politik im reformierten Protestantismus: Vorträge der 8. Emder Tagung zur Geschichte des reformierten Protestantismus. Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag 2011, 28-40.
  • Review of Heinrich Bullinger: Pastoraltheologische Schriften. Edited by Detlef Roth. Zwingliana 38 (2011): 229-231.
  • Review of Life Writing in Reformation Europe: Lives of Reformers by Friends, Disciples and Foes. Irene Backus. Zwingliana 37 (2010): 200-202.
  • Review of Women and the Reformation. Kirsi Stjerna. Zwingliana 36 (2009): 175-176.
  • Social Space for Degersheim: How a Church Can Integrate Social Space Oriented Youth Work. FHS St.Gallen, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit, 2006.