PD Dr. Joseph Mar Ivanios

Lecturer in General Church History (Old Catholic Theology)

Institut of Old Catholic Theology

Postal Address
Universität Bern
Institut für Christkatholische Theologie
Längassstrasse 51
CH-3012 Bern

PD Dr Joseph Mar Ivanios is Professor in Church History at ‘Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture’ (FFRRC), Kottayam, India and Bishop of the dioceses of Mumbai, Europe and Africa of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church. He took his MA in History at the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India before going on to Theological training at the Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam. He took his BD at Mar Thoma Theological Seminary; M.Th at FFRRC (Both are affiliated to the Serampore University) and then his D.Theol. and Habilitation at Departement fur Christkatholische, Department of Theology, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Dr. Mar Ivanios  was appointed to a Lectureship at the Trinity College,(Private College) Pathanamthitta in 1993-94, made Lecturer at Episcopal Jubilee Institute in 1998-2000 and visiting faculty at Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam in 2015 and full professor there in 2018.  From 2000 until 2017, he held posts in the Church as Vicar/Priest at the Mar Thoma Church parishes and institutions in Singapore, Germany, Switzerland and India. He served as Professor and Academic Dean at the Federated Faculty of Research in Religion and Culture (2015-2023). He served as the Chaplain to the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church Metropolitan, Alexander Mar Thoma (1998-2000).

He taught  in the Faculty of History of Christianity in the Episcopal Jubilee Institute, affiliated to the University of Serampore, India (2015 -2018) 

Dr. Mar Ivanios is co-editor with Professor Prakash K George and Professor V S Varughese (Mar Thoma Theological Seminary ) (2015-2020) and Editor of Mar Thoma Journal of Theology, the quarterly publication of the Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam, India. (2020 -2023). He is co-editor for the Mar Thoma Church publications on Ecumenical Relations. 

Dr Mar Ivanios served as Policy Reference Committee Member of the WCC General Assembly Karlsruhe, General Committee member of the National Council of Churches in Singapore(NCCS) (2006-2009), Executive Committee member of the Fellowship of Indian Denominational Churches in Singapore and Malaysia(FIDC) (2006-2009), and a Member of the Inter Religious Confidence Circle,(IRCC) Singapore.(2006-2009) 

Dr. Mar Ivanios is a Senate member of the Serampore (College) University, Kolkotta, India. He is Executive committee member and Council Member of the United Theological College, Bangalore. He is Executive Committee member of the Theological Literature society (TLC), India.

Dr Mar Ivanios serves on the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church’s President of Department for Sacred Music and Communications (DSMC); President of the Mar Thoma Vision, online channel of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church; Standing Committee member of the Old Catholic and Mar Thoma Church Communion.


Since 2017 Professor, History of Christianity, ‘Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture’(FFRRC), Kottayam, India affiliated to the Senate of Serampore (College) University, Kolkotta, India
2022-2023 Academic Dean and of the Department of History of Christianity, FFRRC, India
2019-2023 Researcher for Habilitation, Institute for Christkatholische Theologie, Department of Theology, University of Bern, Switzerland. Theis topic: “Politics of othering in Hindu Nationalism and Christians in India”
2019-2022 Professor and Head of the Department of  History of Christianity, FFRRC, India
2015-2023 Professor for Church History and Missiology, Mar Thoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam, India affiliated to the Senate of Serampore (College) University, Kolkotta, India
2009-2014 Research Scholar at the Department for Christkatholische Theologie, funded by the Bishop of the Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz. Thesis title: “Historic Praxis of Ecumenism in the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church”
2000-2009 Vicar/President/Vice- President of Mar Thoma Churches and Institutions in India, Singapore, Switzerland and Germany
1998-2000 Chaplain to the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church Metropolitan, India
1998-2000 Lecturer in Church History, Department of History of Christianity, EJ Institute, Tiruvalla, Affiliated to the Senate of Serampore (College) University, Kolkotta, India
  • General:  The study of History of Christianity in contemporary culture, especially in relation to nationalism and Indian secularism and Indian General History and Indian Church History especially in relation to Hindu nationalism and Indian Secularism.
  • As a Privatdozent at the Institute for Christkatholishe Theologie, University of Bern, he specialises in World History of Christianity, Indian Christianity, Indian Ecclesiology and Early Church Fathers. He also specialises in Indian Church History studies, Nationalism studies particularly on the challenges posed by issues arising from post-colonial, nationalism crises.
  • Special concern: to support, promote, and contribute to the international research and profile of the Institute and Faculty, especially through conferences and publications that are concerned with ecclesiology, Nationalism, Christianity, and contemporary trends in missiology.

Authored Books:

  • Ecumenism in Praxis, Frankfurt, Peter Lang [pb], 2014. 
  • One Family Under Heaven, New Delhi, ISPCK [pb], 2008.   

1993:  Gold Medallist for MA, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India.

1993:   Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi Award for academic achievements in MA (History).