Name / Titel Prof. Dr. Angela Berlis Funktion Professor of the History of Old Catholicism and Church History in General, Co-Director of the Liturgical Competence Center at the University of Bern Mail
Name / Titel Prof. Dr. Georgiana Huian Funktion Professor of Systematic Theology and Ecumenism Mail
Name / Titel Stefanie Arnold Funktion Research assistant und doctoral candidate Mail
Name / Titel Martin Bürgin Funktion Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter für Geschichte des Altkatholizismus und Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte Mail
Name / Titel Dr. Heiner Grunert Funktion Research assistant for the History of Old Catholic Theology Mail
Name / Titel Dr. Mariam Kartashyan Funktion Member of scientific staff for History of Old Catholicism and General Church History Mail
Name / Titel Dr. Edda Wolff Funktion Lecturer for Liturgy and Systematic Theology Mail
Name / Titel Prof. Dr. Charlotte Methuen Funktion Adjunct Professor at ICKath und Professor of Church History at the University of Glasgow Mail
Name / Titel Prof. Martyn Percy, BA (Hons.), M.Ed., MA, PhD, FKC Funktion Adjunct Research Professor Mail
Name / Titel Dr. Mattijs Ploeger Funktion Adjunct at ICKath and lecturer at the Old Catholic Seminary of the University of Utrecht/NL Mail Phone +31 72 2201853
Name / Titel Prof. Dr. Anca Vasiliu Funktion Adjunct Professor at the ICKath and Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Sorbonne University, Paris Mail
Name / Titel PD Dr. Joseph Mar Ivanios Funktion Lecturer in General Church History (Old Catholic Theology) Mail
Name / Titel PD Dr. Harald Rein Funktion Lecturer for Theological Cybernetics Mail Phone +41 79 627 42 88
Name / Titel Dr. Rebecca Giselbrecht Funktion Member of scientific staff Mail
Name / Titel Yevgeniya Schmid Funktion Administrative assistant Mail Phone +41 31 684 82 40
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. Urs von Arx Funktion Emeritus; New Testament, Homiletics, History of Old Catholicism Mail Phone +41 31 971 66 80
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. Martien Parmentier † Funktion Emeritus; Systematic Theology and Ecumenical Theology
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. Christoph Führer Funktion Former lecturer for Church and Theological History with special focus on Christian spirituality Mail Phone +41 44 212 60 53
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. phil. et theol. Anastasios Kallis Funktion Emeritus Visiting Professor of Ecumenical Theology with consideration of the Early Church and the Orthodox Church
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. Walter Frei † Funktion Prof. em. for Church and Dogmatic History and Pastoral Theology
Name / Titel Prof. em. Dr. Dr. Douglas Pratt Funktion Adjunct Professor at ICKath and Honorary Professor, Theological and Religious Studies, University of Auckland Mail