Old Catholic Study Literature

The following annotated bibliography lists theological literature on the specific characteristics of Old Catholicism as taught at the Institute of Old Catholic Theology. Lecturers and students of Old Catholic theology (whether in BTh, MTh, or related studies) use this list as study aids and for exam preparation. The list offers those interested the opportunity to obtain a (non-exhaustive) overview of literature about Old Catholicism.

1. Monographs

The following annotated bibliography lists theological literature on the specific characteristics of Old Catholicism as taught at the Institute of Old Catholic Theology. Lecturers and students of Old Catholic theology (whether in BTh, MTh, or related studies) use this list as study aids and for exam preparation. The list offers those interested the opportunity to obtain a (non-exhaustive) overview of literature about Old Catholicism.

  • Adrian Suter/Berlis, Angela/Zellmeyer, Thomas, Die Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz. Geschichte und Gegenwart, (katholon 1), Zürich (TVZ) 2023, 394 S. Overview of history and theology, generally presented on the basis of Swiss Old Catholicism. Reflects the current state of academic research, deals with current developments up to recent times, contains an illustrated section and an appendix with important documents, including the Utrecht Declaration, the Constitution of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland (as of 2019), ecumenically and constitutionally important texts.
  • Küry, Urs, Die Altkatholische Kirche. Ihre Geschichte, ihre Lehre, ihr Anliegen (KW 3), hg. von Christian Oeyen, Stuttgart 21978 = 31982, [Erstveröffentlichung Stuttgart 1966; reprint von 21978 = Berlin­ – Boston (De Gruyter) 2020], 553 S. Most important major standard work, "classic", in many individual points no longer up to date with the latest scientific research, but still indispensable due to its comprehensive scope.
  • Conzemius, Victor: Katholizismus ohne Rom. Die altkatholische Kirchengemeinschaft, Zürich 1969, 169 S. SVery well-known presentation by the Roman Catholic church historian, with brief descriptions of the individual Old Catholic churches as of 1969.
  • Berlis, Angela: Frauen im Prozess der Kirchwerdung. Eine historisch-theologische Studie zur Anfangsphase des deutschen Altkatholizismus (1850-1890) (BKK 6), Frankfurt a. M. 1998. Important for the history of the development of the Old Catholic programme in the 1870s (detailed discussion of the emergence of the post-Vatican Old Catholic reform movement and the first Old Catholic congresses 1871-1873) and for the contribution of women in early Old Catholicism.
  • Ploeger, Mattijs, Celebrating Church. Ecumenical Contributions to a Liturgical Ecclesiology (Netherlands Studies in Ritual and Liturgy 7), Groningen/Tilburg 2008. Study at the intersection of systematic theology and liturgical studies, important for the understanding of Old Catholic ecclesiology.
  • Suter, Adrian: Vernetzung und Gewichtung christlicher Lehraussagen. Die Vorstellung einer Hierarchie der Wahrheiten und ihre Beziehung zum wissenschaftstheoretischen Selbstverständnis der Theologie, Zürich 2011. Fundamental theological study on an ecumenical topic with an Old Catholic perspective.
  • Rein, Harald: Kirchengemeinschaft. Die anglikanisch-altkatholisch-orthodoxen Beziehungen von 1870 bis 1990 und ihre ökumenische Relevanz, 2 Bde, Bern 1993/94.
  • Flügel, Christian: Die Utrechter Union und die Geschichte ihrer Kirchen, Norderstedt 2014. Brief, popular presentation covering all Old Catholic churches, updated in 2014 for the 125th anniversary of the Union of Utrecht.
  • Ring, Matthias: „Katholisch und deutsch“. Die alt-katholische Kirche und der Nationalsozialismus, Bonn 2008. Detailed description of the German Old Catholic Church and its international relations at the time of National Socialism.
  • Halama, Christian: Altkatholiken in Österreich. Geschichte und Bestandsaufnahme, Wien 2004. Comprehensive but also controversial presentation of the Old Catholic Church in Austria. Cf. the very critical review in U. von Arx, in: IKZ 97 (2007) 146-155.

2. Anthologies

This section lists volumes of essays, commemorative publications, and journal articles containing contributions on topics related to Old Catholicism.

3.  Source Material (Collections), Journals and Series

4.  Periodicals

  • IKZ (Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift): Founded in 1893 as "Revue Internationale de Théologie", since 1911 „Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift - Neue Folge der Revue Internationale de Théologie“ (IKZ). ISSN 0020-9252, URL https://www.ikz.unibe.ch/index_eng.html
    The most important academic periodical of Old Catholicism. More recent special issues and thematic volumes are partly listed under 1.2. Direct link to retro-digitised issues: https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=ikz-002

  • IKZ-bios (Bern Interreligious Oecumenical Studies): Sub-series of the IKZ, especially on interreligious and ecumenical issues, since 2014. Mainly used for the publication and documentation of conference contributions.

5.  Series

  • Katholon: Neue Reihe im Theologischen Verlag Zürich, begründet und hg. durch Angela Berlis, 2023 ff. https://www.tvz-verlag.ch/reihe/katholon-62/?page_id=1 Bisherige Bände (im Erscheinen)
    • Adrian Suter/Berlis, Angela/Zellmeyer, Thomas, Die Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz. Geschichte und Gegenwart, (katholon 1), Zürich (TVZ) 2023
    • Aline Berger, Anny Peter (1882-1958). Christkatholische Frauenrechtlerin, Pazifistin und Pädagogin, (katholon 2), Zürich (TVZ) 2023
    • Erika Moser, Allverehrt tiefbetrauert. Gender und Erinnerung in christkatholischen Nekrografien (1870-1924), , (katholon 3), Zürich (TVZ) 2023.
    • Angela Beris/Milan Kostrešević (Hg.), Orthodoxie in der Schweiz, (katholon 4), Zürich (TVZ) 2024 (in Vorbereitung).
    • Angela Berlis/Martin Bürgin/Markus Ries (Hg,), Katholizismus am Scheideweg. Die katholischen Kirchen der Schweiz nach dem Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil, Zürich (TVZ) 2024 (in Vorbereitung).
  • Geschichte und Theologie des Alt-Katholizismus. Schriftenreihe des Alt-Katholischen Seminars der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, begründet und herausgegeben v. Angela Berlis, Günter Esser und Matthias Ring bis 2015; ab 2016 hg. Andreas Krebs und Matthias Ring, Alt-Katholischer Bistumsverlag, Bonn. There is an A series (sources) and a B series (presentations and studies).

6.  Translations in other languages

  • Adrian Suter / Angela Berlis / Thomas Zellmeyer / Milan Kostrešević / Maja Weyermann / Stephanos Athanasiou / Erika Moser, Старокатоличка црква: историја и садашњост [= Die christkatholische Kirche: Geschichte und Gegenwart], Belgrad – Banja Luka (Biblijski institut – Centar za biblijske studije) 2019, 22023

Further literature can be found in the publication lists of the International Working Group for Research on Old Catholicism, which have been published annually since 1998, now also in the bibliography of Suter/Berlis/Zellmeyer, "Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz", p. 360-389. Further specific literature will be agreed for the examination of individual topics.